Happy New Year

2016 has been such a crazy year, so much has happened and it has flown by quicker than I ever thought possible, probably due to the fact we welcomed a new addition to our family. I feel quite sad I'm seeing the back of this year, even though it brought us some unyielding lows it also gave us tremendous highs. I leave 2016 feeling very excited for 2017, I just feel it's going to be a very good year for us. 
This year has saw me really get back into blogging, it took me three years and a big hiatus in between to rediscover my love. I'm hoping that when I return to work later in the year, I'll be able to keep this all going at the same momentum it is currently - tough I know, but I'm determined. Like I said, I only really took blogging 'seriously' dare I say since having Patrick, and I have published some posts I want to bring back into the limelight as they are some of my favourite and most popular to date on Babies and Beauty. If you're a new reader, I hope you'll enjoy having a nosy over and seeing how much has changed.

So there you have it, a complete round up of my favourite posts this year. Each for their own individual reason, some I enjoyed writing, some I loved the feedback I got from readers, and others I just know in the years to come, I'll be glad I wrote my feelings down to sit back and reflect on. There isn't much left to say apart from Happy New Year and bring on 2017!


  1. Such wonderful posts! And what a fab post to look back on your year with :) this last year has been really quite good in that your beautiful boy arrived and your eldest turned the big 3! I'm so happy for you & can't wait to see where you take Babies and Beauty this year 💖

  2. Aww such a lovely post and im completely with you on the reasons we do this - its lovely to look back on what happened in the past and realise we kept a very visual diary of it all. This is definitely one of my favourite things about blogging! Hope you have a fabulous 2017 xx

  3. i can not wait to read all these posts, Im so glad to of found your blog.


  4. I can happily say I have read all of these - I seriously need you to do a post on how you manage everything as you're a blogging super hero!

  5. Happy new year to you, too! I love the idea of a round-up post like this, great thinking! Fab choices :-) Katie x

  6. I love this idea of a round-up at the end of the year. I'm sure after reading these you will make the time to keep blogging once you're back at work. Good luck for 2017 for you and your family. x

  7. I'm like G, I'd love to know where you find the time to get all of these posts churned out from! Good for us anyway; I love reading them! Hope your 2017 is just as successful x

