That being said, for me it's always been hard to picture Noah as an only child, seeing as I was one of 4. John being one of 2, and a man, was a little more comfortable with the idea. Pregnancy was enjoyable for me, labor not so much, but the recovery was pretty harrowing so for a long while I was also very comfortable with Noah being an only child (selfish maybe). But as Noah has grown and become such a caring, kind little soul, I definitely feel he'll miss out on so much if he doesn't have a sibling. We both want him to have someone to pretend to feed his latest concoctions too, someone to squabble over who gets the last Yorkshire pudding at Sunday lunch and more importantly someone who'll be there when we no longer are. After deliberating all that, it was easy for us as long as nothing comes in our way - we would like another baby. So then it poses the question of when, and how big of an age gap? Between my older brother and I is 5 years, 3 between my big sister and I and then 8 between me and my younger brother. So I have experienced all ends of the spectrum, John has a 2 year gap between himself and his brother Andrew. Me and my older siblings all grew up playing with the same friends, on the same street, we could visit LegoLand and Themeparks and all find something to do, and even now we have all moved out of the Family home, we can visit each other and expand our own families. This is something I want for Noah. I want to be able to take him and his siblings to places, and find age apt activities for all, I want them to attend the same schools at the same time and be able to talk and relate to each other. I was fortunate to get to experience all of that and I hope to be able to pass it on to Noah. But again, that being said, you never know what can happen in life. If we have our way, Noah will have a sibling before he goes to school.
When exactly though, we'll just have to see. Do you want another child, if so when?