BLOGMAS #13 | Our Christmas Eve Box

If you saw my Christmas Traditions post, you'll know something new we're starting this year in our household is a Christmas Eve box. Creating a Christmas Eve box for a toddler and a baby combined isn't easy, but I think I've cracked it this year and it is pretty rammed full of things. I quickly decided I couldn't leave John out either so it's more of a Family box with bits inside for us all to enjoy. Of course Patrick too has a some things inside, but as he's so tiny, it certainly is more aimed at Noah this year. My plan is to give the box on the 23rd, I know it seems to defeat the object, but there is so much, I think we could do with having it for a couple of days, just to make sure everything gets done and isn't rushed.

Christmas eve pyjamas are a must surely? I was desperate to get the boys matching sets, so Gap was my go to, as it usually is for nightwear anyway. Just a little tip though, definitely up a size or even two because they are extremely small fitting, which they do specify themselves on their website. These snowman sets are cute, but not overly festive so that they can still wear them into the new year. Of course, as they're footless, both boys have a pair of snug socks to pop on their feet and keep their toes toasty. With our books selection, you can probably see why I moved the box gifting to the 23rd, we have such a wide selection. I can't wait to read these beautiful Santa stories to the boys before we tuck them up into bed, each of the Macmillan books have flaps, togs and cogs that all do something quite special, even I had a jolly old time flicking through before popping them into our box. I just know they will be such firm favourites. Our letter to Santa story contains a little piece of paper along with stickers and an envelope which we'll complete on Christmas Eve morning and we'll let Noah drop it off in the post box as we head on our Festive walk before bed.

Baking may become a Christmas tradition depending how well it goes this year. John and Noah have their little thing together, which is to bake cookies. So I thought it's perfect to buy a read made mixture, so they can do just that together on perhaps the 23rd. We've got some festive cutters too, to make all kinds of different shaped biscuits and Noah even has his very own 'Santas little helper' apron he can don as he is baking away. Another activity will be the Usbourne 'That's not my Christmas' sticker and colouring book. Noah will sit for ages creating snowy scenes with the stickers, so I know this will be a winner in his eyes. Before the boys slip into their festive jammies, we have two special bath treats from Lush, of course, Patrick will be bathed and then Noah as I don't want to risk P's skin with anything too different, but Noah will LOVE the golden wonder bath bomb, along with this amazing Dinosaur bubble bar, I'm sure the bath will be a joy to clean after this. Snowman soup is a bit of a staple in a Christmas Eve box, so Noah and John (yes that isn't for P he's far too young) will enjoy a nice hot coco before he heads upstairs to the land of nod. Not forgetting the Christmas magic, as we arrive home from our Christmas Eve walk, we'll sprinkle the magic Reindeer food on the lawn, so Santa knows just where to find us, as well as leaving his key under the doormat.

Lastly are some bits for me and John, I couldn't find any matching PJs that I loved, so I had to ditch that idea quite fast. But santa bed socks where the next best thing, so we're going to be sporting those together. Along with some prosecco and chocolate as we wrap the boys stocking presents, and snuggle down to the Polar Express before bed. I also chucked in a festive candle of Sunlight on Snow as it smelt so Christmassy yet not overpowering which is perfect as a slow burner on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning.

So that's everything in our Christmas Eve box this year, minus some Choccies I'm going to throw in for Noah last minute. Do you do a Christmas eve box, if so, what do you put inside?


  1. This is so lovely! I must admit Christmas is a bit of a write off this year as Amelia is so young however next year I can see us doing a little something like this :D

    Lucie 💙 |

  2. I love this!! Putting bits in as a whole family is a much cuter idea. Also Polar Express is my favourite Christmas film. Silbo xx

  3. I love this!! Putting bits in as a whole family is a much cuter idea. Also Polar Express is my favourite Christmas film. Silbo xx

  4. This is probably the best Christmas Eve box I've seen so far! Love that it's for you as well. I need to get some Prosecco and chocolate for Christmas Eve after the kids are in bed as I think I'll need it! X

  5. Ok this puts our box to shame. Though we have plenty of space so I'm totally stealing loads of these ideas for next year!!

  6. I love that you've included a few bits for yourselves too. The books look good too. I'm going to be doing a Christmas Eve box next year so will make a note of all these ideas for then.

  7. LOVE that you've put bits in for you and John haha - why should us parent miss out hey! You're going to be super busy - will be so festive for the boys :) xx

  8. Oh wow I love this! It is so difficult to find matching PJs for the full family though - Matalan had them but sold out in about two minutes!

    Kirsty |

  9. Wow that is one amazing box! Love the little baking set!

  10. We're doing this too! Our box is for all of us and a new tradition for us :) ox

    Amy |

  11. Aww this is thwe most sweetest of thing, i certainly or hopefully be making one of these for Leanora. Thanks for the tip.

  12. These are amazing ideas, definetley goin to steal the prosecco for mummy idea as hot chocolate isn't my cup of tea! I think you've done amazing for the family here. I hope you have an amazing holidays!

    Lisa |

