So it has been a while since I last blogged, but I'm sure most of us had a break over Christmas and new year. It also happened to be a certain some ones first birthday in December and although it doesn't seem a year since he was a teeny tiny newborn, here he is toddling around (yes FINALLY) acting so grown up. Noah's birthday went amazing and I am currently scheduling a post featuring his most used presents as it's definitely something people struggle with 'What to buy a baby?' especially when their birthday and Christmas are so darn close together. It was a magical time and it also featured Noahs' first haircut, he was blessed with copious amounts of thick brown hair so it was in desperate need of a chop (and is again now). I really didn't believe the lady when she said it would need redoing in 6 weeks, but my gosh it does.

The hairdresser was amazing and as it was specifically for children it had these snazzy cars to distract them, as well as televisions to play a DVD of their choice for some older children.
Before we knew it, it was Christmas, again we had an amazing time and Noah received lots of love, laughs and food off everyone! However after Christmas time Noahs dreaded cough came back with a vengeance and I will post about the battle we've had with it, as it's resulted in many doctors trips, many a&e trips and lots of inhalers. However now we've reached February we're just about combatting it. (Thank god) This post was just a small round-up of what we've all been up to. We've had lots of fun but are looking hugely forward to summer which will feature lots of garden play, water fun & sunshine walks.
How did you all enjoy the festive period?