So to anybody that follows me on Twitter it is no secret we're heading on holiday in July, and I'm pretty sure I've been ready for it since January. I've bought everything Noah needs bar a holiday pushchair / buggy, so if anyone has any recommendations, please let me know. As I was due in November last year, our holiday was pre-booked for October so we had to cancel just in case, it's now been too long since I've felt the sun, sea and sand. I have read so many blog posts on what I'll need and wont for Noah, and after travelling with my younger brother, I've picked up a few ideas of what is essential and isn't.
1. First is a float seat. After seeing this on Hannah Maggs video with the gorgeous baby Grayson, I knew we just had to have one. It's perfect for being hands free in the water, and I think Noah will feel more secure in one, it makes him slightly more independent, it's taken all my will power not to whip this out for the swimming baths. I can't wait to see him in it.
2. A waterproof hat. I have so many hats for Noah with the flap at the back, they're the best for keeping the hot sun off the back of his neck, but I needed some waterproof ones. These are perfect for in the pool because if they get wet, they dry as quick as a swimming costume would. I wouldn't want to be putting a wet cotton hat back on his head as he'd catch a cold. I picked this up from Boots Miniclub.
3. Sun cream. Pretty obvious I know. But we'll be using factor 50+ on Noah to protect his delicate baby skin. I particularly like the Nivea Childrens one as it has no harsh chemicals and is green so you can see exactly where it's going. It's also not as sticky as some others I've used. Because have you ever tried to dress a wriggly baby after applying sticky suncream? Very difficult I tell you.
4. Calpol Sachets. These are perfect for on the plane, they wont exceed the fluid limit and they're a lot more lightweight & nifty so they can squeeze into any little space. I'll be only taking one pack as Noah isn't often ill, but these will come in super handy if he is feeling slightly under the weather.
5. Mosquito Bands. I stand by these 100%, these are so much easier than Mosquito spray, and every holiday I've been on, including Brazil which was rife with all sorts of insects due to the Amazon nearby, I rarely get bitten more than once. These are extra handy for Noah as I don't feel too comfortable spraying the Mosquito spray onto him, it does smell like very strong hairspray and often takes your breath away so I don't really want that for him.
6. Lastly, a Hawaiian Shirt. Because well, what guy hasn't owned a Hawaiian shirt in his life? It's also super lightweight and soft so will be nice and cooling on him in the evenings.
Have I missed anything you would recommend to bring?