Well, well, well.. It's been a few months since I did one of these hasn't it? I think it's definitely overdue. So much has happened and I thought 2022 may be a little kinder to me but it's definitely been a little challenging. That being said, last year taught me so much that I've handled things so much better than I probably would have if any of the dramas had of happened last year. Looking on the positives though, we're now just over half way into the year and things are improving in some areas, I'm really excited to see what the rest of the year brings, but perhaps not so much that I've turned the big three-oh.


Oh my little pipsqueak, I cannot believe I've had six whole years of Patrick. I feel so lucky to be able to say that, he's my baby and most definitely always will be. Much to his dismay I'm sure. It sounds so cliche but it doesn't seem five minutes since he was born - and what a whirlwind that was, probably a good indication of what to expect with you over the future. Patrick probably spoke about his birthday every day since Christmas, he wanted it to be perfect and he had high expectations of exactly what he wanted. That being said his party was very him - a disco party. He loves his music and he loves to dance, he's full of energy and we just knew that he would love a disco... we weren't wrong.