22 February 2014
What's In My Changing Tables Top Drawer
I'm pretty nosey, and loved to see posts on 'what's in my hospital bag / changing bag/ handbag' etc. I thought this was along the lines of those, and I always find it interesting to see what products everyone is using so I decided to post my own, about what's in Noahs' top drawer of his baby changer.
We have two little white baskets, which I purchased from TK Maxx I believe, they were very good value at only about £6 each, they're wood with a white linen lining. In the middle of the two baskets, we have Noahs' bibs and dribble bibs. Which I tend to pop on him for 30 minutes or so after a feed, just in case we have a little sick up, or a dribble, then his clothes aren't ruined for the day.
In the first basket, I have some Sudocrem, which I think is pretty much a staple for most Mummys. We use it every time we change Noah, just to be on the safe side. We also have Metanium which is another form of nappy rash / barrier cream. From working in a Nursery I know this is the best out there for even the most severe of nappy rashes, so I keep some just in case. Luckily, I've yet to use it. Pampers wipes are our wipes of choice, sensitive ones for Noahs' newborn skin. He's never had any issues with these and I find them to be the best for him, they're not very wet or very dry, so they're the perfect medium and work well for us. I keep some cotton buds just to clean his outer ear from time to time, they also come in handy for getting little bits of sleep under his eyes, so I'm not poking my huge fingers near his eyes. The cotton wool pads are also for little mop ups, or for wiping Noahs' bottom, as I know John sometimes prefers to use cotton wool & water. Lastly I keep a comb, brush & some scissors. The comb and brush for obvious reasons, to keep our little man looking on point. And the scissors to cut off labels. He has lots of clothes that are new, so when I'm getting him dressed I don't have to wander around searching for scissors to chop off labels & tags.
In the left basket we have some extra cotton wool pads, which are Little Angels from ASDA, we usually just pick any up from anywhere when we're running low. And nappies, lots and lots of nappies, Noah is in newborn size 3, we use Pampers because they've always worked well for us. We did have a bit of an issue a while ago with leakages, but I think it's because we needed to pop him up a size, and now we have, there is no issues. Also something I forgot to photograph above, is scented nappy sacks. We have them too and pop his nappies in one of those every time, it just reduces the smell in the bin & is a whole lot tidier.
So there you have it, that's what is in Noahs' changing table drawer.
What's in yours?