Oh my biggest boy, what an absolute joy it is to be your Mummy. I can't believe you're four, we always joked that when you were born you looked like a four year old, given your weight but now to be sitting here with your fourth birthday being merely a week behind us. I can't think were the time has gone. This year has seen you grow up more than any other, you've morphed into my friend and the best one at that. You're courageous, curious and kind, I don't think I could ask for more redeeming qualities in a child. I would think I'm bias, but everyone else around us agrees and that makes me the proudest Mummy of all.


A bike for Christmas is almost a right of passage isn't it? Both me and John can pinpoint those exact Christmas days in our own childhoods, when your Mum or Dad wandered in at the end of present opening 'I think Santas forgotten something outside', queue the rush to the back door to find out what on earth it could be. Well, Noah is a lucky boy because his birthday happens to fall merely weeks before the big day meaning he unwrapped this beauty of a bike on the day he turned four. It's all he could talk about for the rest of the day, and is there any wonder?


I'm quite traditional, I love the idea of Christmas at home, around our comforts and if I'm honest, it's all I've ever known. We love travel as a family, we certainly couldn't live the year without venturing out of the country, but I'd never let the idea cross my mind that maybe a Christmas getaway would be the perfect time. Winter is seriously dark and dreary, and especially on the other side of Christmas I think we all lack that little bit of Vitamin D don't we? The dark mornings and dark evenings leave a lot to be desired, so why on earth have I never thought of breaking away for some winter sun before?


It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. About time too, I find each year more and more people shun you for getting excited about Christmas if it's even a week before the big day. I'm a sucker for the Christmas magic, I really am, especially now we've got the boys I think it's the perfect excuse to go that little bit over the top. We've done a Christmas Eve box for the past two years as it's a sure fire way to keep those restless souls busy for the day, it adds to excitement and it's just a super sweet idea.


When we think about the things we want for Christmas, we start perusing the shops or searching online, we look through catalogues or even scour gift guides, constantly searching for that perfect 'thing' to pop under the tree. But what if the ultimate gift isn't something you can wrap up, in pretty craft paper with a lovely red bow. What if it's something that means a bit more than a bath bomb or a bottle of gin? Of course those gifts are pretty damn important too, but I think we all have those 'things' we want, that simply can't be wrapped into a neat package and quite often because they're not physical we don't ask for them, except this year, I just might.


I am surrounded by Men in my family. I have two brothers, two sons, a other half, a dad, brother-in-law, you catch the drift. The ratio of men to women is pretty one sided but I'm ok with that. I seem to have finally mastered the art of buying, though the men in my family range from 1 to 50. I'm slowly but surely finding men easier to buy for, now that doesn't mean I'm saying it is easy completely, but I'd like to think I'm a little bit better at it than I was four years ago.


This year I've loved buying for my boys, I really have. Especially Noah who is four, he's at an age were he definitely has his 'style' of toy, he loves construction, tractors and vehicles but he really enjoys puzzles too and learning games. Four is a wonderful age because he really appreciates the things he opens, you get the wow factor and the excitement as they unwrap the paper. It's my favourite age so far and I can't wait for him to see what he has for Christmas this year. Children are definitely amongst the easiest to buy for, so I'm sharing what I think will make fantastic presents this year.


This year is the first year in a long time that I've really had to think hard about what I would like for Christmas. It's tricky when you become a parent, I get far more enjoyment from buying things, or receiving gifts for the boys than I do myself. In fact, I loathe picking things up for me in comparison to shopping for them. Everything is just a little more exciting in mini version, right? But, as it does every year the inevitable 'What do you want for Christmas?' question has been shot at me numerous times and because I've genuinely not had time to sit and think for a moment, I've found myself giving the mundane reply of 'I don't really know to be honest'. It's not a lie, because there isn't anything I desperately need and long gone are the days when I had time to search endlessly online or dedicate an evening to flicking through the boots gift guide.


The past few months have been manic, as though life is blitzing by at some sort of double rate. Half of me doesn't want to stop to catch my breath, because I'm frightened I'll miss so much in those small moments. I think it's natural that this time of year is a little bit more hectic, please tell me that's the case for everyone? I feel like one of those ducks that's bobbing along on the surface but ferociously pedalling my feet away underneath. I know things will slow when I finish work, and I'll be completely honest in that I'm counting down the days. We're out of the house for most of the week and the time in the evening when we can all sit down and relax seems so fleeting - I just really can't wait for Christmas, when time for us to unwind will be aplenty.


Babies and toddlers are tricky people to buy for, they're so fickle and unless they're crazy about some tv character at this age, then you're really playing a guessing game. My theory is to always get something that will last them a while, they grow out of things so quickly and that immediately crosses a lot off my list. All of the toys with age limits on really don't work, plus when you've got two or more children, the likelihood is that they'll play with each others toys, or if they're anything like my two - all they will want is each others things.


I have that feeling when approaching the festive months, that a Mother has with their newborn baby, all the want to talk about is the baby, even if nobody cares, or no one is listening, it's baby, baby, baby. So if we substitute baby for Christmas - you have me! What better excuse for that, than twenty questions about the exact thing I am so desperate to discuss. Christmas means many things to many people, and that's why I find these sort of things super interesting. So, if you want to have a nosy through my Christmas thoughts, though I think I've made them pretty clear up till now. Keep reading.