Juggling work life and babies is hard, it really is and anyone who says different is either telling big porkies, or just has their shit together in a big way. Neither of those are me, I work 32 hours a week thankfully as I managed to reduce from five to four days, but that doesn't mean my mornings run smoothly and I come home from work all calm and collected - far from it. But given the fact this is my second time around the block with returning from maternity leave, and I have been a working mother now for almost four years, I've learnt a few tricks of the trade so to speak along the way.
I get quite easily stressed and anxious during a working week, nothing to do with my actual job role just simple things like running late really drives me crazy, I'm the type of person that would rather be an hour early than five minutes late. You're more than likely going to find me washing my uniform at 6pm on a Friday night, than 9pm on a Monday (I don't work Mondays) I like to be organised for the week ahead as it makes things run smoother in all of our lives, as let's be realistic here, John will be the one copping for it if I'm stressed to high heavens. Now, back to the tips;
Lay your clothes out ready.
This is a lot more simple for me than those who maybe work in an office, as I do have a uniform to wear each day. I'm a nursery nurse so it's actually a simon jersey tunic I wear, which although I do grumble about not working in an environment where I can dress how I please, it does make life that bit easier as I don't spend copious amounts of time raiding my wardrobe each evening or morning. But, go easy on yourself and just get things out the night before, nobody wants to be searching for that skirt 10 minutes after you should have left, or realise that the dress you planned to wear has fallen off the hanger and desperately needs ironing. I even do this with my boys, each evening as we wind down for night, I will get their clothes out for the next day, from their underwear to their shoes and make sure it's all presentable.
Have breakfast.
If your whole morning is spent rushing around, you're going to feel rushed. Even if you don't manage to actually eat something, spend at least five minutes sitting down and enjoying a coffee or tea whilst the smalls have their breakfast. It gives you a bit of time to actually chat together in the mornings, and you feel so much better for it.
Chat about your day or don't.
John is very much the type who likes to talk about his day for hours on end when he comes home, whereas I am the total opposite and sometimes, with John continuing talking about work and job roles, it can feel as though I'm still at work too. Quite often I'll say to John 'let's just not talk about work today' when I get in the car after a long day, and he'll happily oblige. Sometimes of course there are things that you're dying to tell each other, but we really prefer one work catch-up at the end of the week rather than every single evening.
Book child free days off.
If you have childcare, which I'm assuming you do as they're not home alone whilst you work, then make sure you get at least one day child free with just the two of you. Me and John have got one just after my birthday, when both boys are in Nursery for the morning, we'd usually keep them off and home with us, but instead we're going to enjoy each others company and probably go for some brunch somewhere. It's such a rarity that we don't feel guilty. Let's be honest, days at home with the children can feel as much of a chore as work sometimes, so make sure you enjoy days off just for you two too.
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6 June 2017
I always make sure I have breakfast on the days I work. My tummy still rumbles during an exam sometimes which is really embarrassing!