I've made no secret about the fact we got super lucky and had a baby that slept through from five weeks *everyone clap*. I don't know how or why it happened, but it did. As time went on however, we slowly realised that the more aware Patrick became of his surroundings the more he began to struggle with sleep. I'm using the word struggle, very loosely as on the whole he does sleep through - we certainly haven't had to give him a night feed since five weeks, though he does sometimes sporadically wake during the early hours. Quickly we found something that worked for him, white noise and we downloaded all the apps recommended on our phones, yay great, a sleeping baby again. Though in reality, this wasn't a practical or long term solution, our phones were drained of battery, finding somewhere to balance them close enough to him was becoming harder and honestly, we missed having a nosy through social, finding ourselves bickering over which phone to use. Then shone a beacon of hope, in the form of the Whisbear.
Now if you haven't heard of Whisbear where the hell have you been and secondly if you or pregnant / have a newborn, get one now, you can thank me later. It has worked complete wonders for us. Doing just as our phones would do, it plays white noise to our little love to keep him dreaming softly, the noise plays continuously for 40 minutes before it slowly fades out to a stop. Of course, if your baby isn't in a deep enough sleep yet that change in noise may disturb them and cause them to rouse which is has done to Patrick a few times, but fear not because the Whisbear has a sneaky little solution to that problem which you can find out below. For us Whisbear is one of the products, when it comes to the time your baby is growing up, and doesn't need it anymore, it will be placed firmly in a box to either store for the next or handed to a relative knowing that you're giving them the gift of sleep. It's not a product we'd ever risk not having around.
The Whisbear truly has been a game changer for us in the sleep department. Even though we have a baby that sleeps well, this ensures we have a baby that sleeps perfectly. I'm not sure if this was around when we had Noah, but I really wish we had of had it as he didn't sleep too great for the first few months and we would have really benefited from the Whisbear. It's become a constant in our household, Patrick doesn't sleep at home without it, we don't have to spend our days trying to delicately balance a phone somewhere nearby, the Whisbear has opposable limbs with magnetic paws, which means it can latch itself to most surfaces, whether that be a cot, Moses basket or co-sleeper. A couple of other little bonus features we found with the bear, was the standby mode. Sometimes Patrick may have fallen asleep in the car and we're transferring him straight to bed, or a rare occasion now (sobs) that he falls asleep on us and we need to pop him down, you simply give the bear button a longer press and it goes into super standby mode. By this, I mean Whisbear is secretly listening out and as soon as baby rouses at all, in swoops the cry sensor and on goes the white noise. You can totally tell this product was designed by two Mums can't you? Last but not least is a pretty important factor for me, style. I have spent months meticulously planning my sons nursery, selecting every item in there to match to ensure it's a calm and soothing environment, as well as being one that I find quite easy on the eye. The last thing I want to do is place something garish and loud in the middle of it all. Patricks room is a mixture of white, greys and soft mint - a colour scheme the Whisbear fits into so perfectly, as if it was made with us in mind. I know it sounds superficial to worry about the look of products, but I can't help it, however for the wonders this super bear does, It could be fashioned into a burger and I'd still have it pride of place.
Have you ever used a sleep aid for baby, do you think the Whisbear would work for you?
*We were sent the Whisbear for our honest thoughts and opinions
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ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea, hadn't heard of it before x
ReplyDeleteI love the idea of these. Benjamin loves the sound of my hairdryer so I reckon it would help him! xx
ReplyDeleteSounds like a miracle product!
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ReplyDeleteSounds fab! I have 2 great little sleepers as well and they are older now so don't need the white noise aid. But my sister and many friends have sworn by it. I'll be sure to recommend this as the solution to temporarily giving up your phone!!
ReplyDeleteI think you may also like the shush bee .... if memory serves me correctly it was designed by child psychologists, or something like that, and plays a tune specially designed to distract upset babies from their crying (it's great in the car). We loved it. Kate x
We love our Whisbear too, great review!
ReplyDeleteI love our Whisbear, it is so much better than any other white noise we tried. My two favourite features are that it comes back on if your baby fusses and that you can adjust the volume. My youngest is not a sleeper, but this has helped us get more rest.
ReplyDeleteThis would have been ideal for us in the early days as Little One was soothed by white noise. I love that it has a sensor to pick up the crying!
ReplyDeleteWe love our Whisbear, its pretty awesome! Definitely something I recommend to all new mums now :-) Emily x