A Weaning Lust List

Weaning is such an exciting time, especially as your child approaches four months, most days seem very similar so it's incredibly nervy but interesting to begin a whole new stage with your baby, whether that is baby led weaning, purees or a bit of both. Of course, with Patrick turning six months last month, we have dabbled in weaning already and begun a slight routine. He has dropped a lunch time bottle and replaced it with a meal, we've even introduced a pudding afterwards which is usually fruit or yogurt. Breakfast is slowly creeping in, we trial it every other day at the minute as he really isn't too keen, but we shall see. This post is a quick run through of some things I've had my eye on, that I think might make our transition from milk to solids, that bit easier.

#1  Oxo Tot Spoon - I did a post a long time ago now, featuring this spoon with Noah. It's still going strong and our favourite yogurt spoon, yes possibly crazy that I have a specific spoon for yogurt but you'll understand if you read the post. They're so handy as they come with an individual carry case for the spoon, nobody likes having to chuck a dirty spoon into their changing bag, or wrap it in wipes as I have done previously. So I think it's only right we grab one for Patrick too.

#2 ClevaFeed Feeder - Most people who have weaned a child will have seen the familiar feeding nets you can stuff with fruit to let your little one munch on. They're great and we thoroughly enjoyed using them with Noah, particularly with cold fruit on teething gums, an absolute must. However when I saw this version I was impressed. It's a lot easier for them to get to grips with as it is a silicone teat, amazing, also an absolute dream to clean I'm sure?

#3 Minene Apron Bib - We used these with Noah until he was around one and much more controlled with his feeding himself. Apron bibs just catch so much mess which is obviously a huge bonus, but nothing is more frustrating for both baby and mum when they're trying to feed, is if they drop half of the food they really want to eat, on the floor. These aprons are great for catching that food as it falls, so you can quickly grab it and replace it onto their spoons. No hungry tums and stressed out babes.

#4 #8 Highchair toys - Sassy do the best high chair toys in my opinion, yes they're incredibly garish and not to my taste, but I'm not going to be playing with them am I? (Ok I definitely have a few goes but shhh!) Patrick would love the bright colours of these, and from what I recall with Noah, the toys of the wheel variety are usually firm favourites.

#5 Nomi Highchair - I absolutely fell in love with the design of the Nomi highchair when I first came across it online, I wished I'd seen it when Patrick was a newborn as the fact it comes with a newborn seat too, to transition your little ones from 0-13 is amazing, completely worth the £300 pricetag. However, I need not have worried too long as Evomove actually got in touch and offered us one to try out. Stay tuned in the new year as I am sure I wont be able to stop taking pictures of this delight.

#6 Boon Swap Spoons - Whoever thought of these spoons at Boon was clearly a parent. I'm sure Noah probably spent more time using the wrong end of his cutlery than the right for the first year of his life, and if I had of had these spoons they would have been a god send. When Patrick is at the stage of feeding himself, I'll be picking these up.

#7 Vital Baby Freezer Pods - Freezing food is essential if you're going to making all your little ones dinners from scratch like I am with P. I was fortunate to be sent these pods by vital baby, as part of our brand ambassador roles and I can't tell you how amazing they are. We've had so many different freezer pots before, but these are great because they actually lock into their holder, so you know they're not going to slide out or tip up as you grab other things out of the freezer. We've going to order another set as we just couldn't be without.

What things have you found useful during weaning, I'd love to know?


  1. I love seeing what everyone else uses or has their eye on when weaning as I'm forever looking for stuff to make it more fun and easier for us haha! Definitely need to get my hands on some of the highchair toys though! And that spoon for the yogurt looks so good! One of my fave spoons has a similar handle but not as easy for him to use himself so definitely need to try this:) xx

  2. I found highchair toys to be my saviour! Keeps him occupied while I sort out the next thing to eat

  3. i to purchased the Vital baby freezer pods for Leanora, nothing like making a batch of of the babies food and keeping for storage, also great to puree fruit, so when it is hot or baby are teething (once slghtly defrosted 3-5 mins) great for soothing gums.


  4. I'm so excited to start weaning again! Some great products here. I saw that nomi highchair on twitter and I love that even babies can sit up at the table too ox

  5. Wow that highchair is beautiful! I wish the silicone version to the mesh feeder was around when my Son was weaning it would of been so much better! x

  6. I love that highchair - top of my list for when we start weaning with Harrison! I love posts like this - gets me so excited!
    Kirsty | www.lifewithboys.co.uk

  7. A fantastic post which gives me an insight into what is to come. I love the OXO spoon, it is well handy!

  8. It is the best things used for kids, They need to use it specially teeth toys or mitten which is best for their growing teeth and also for gum. Buy online happy hand best selling Baby Teething Mitten and gloves on Becalmbaby.

