Most parents will have heard of Wicked Uncle, (and if you haven't have you ever really bought a toy? - just kidding) but if you're not aware they're a pretty awesome website designed to make toy buying incredibly easy even for the worst present buyers in the history of giving. We were thrilled to be asked to partake in their 'Wicked Uncle Challenge'. Which involved a childless relative - Hello Uncle Egg (aka. my brother Simon) trying to find some toys that Noah would love.
Now I was relying on Eggy as Noah calls him, after sending him off with the voucher code we were kindly given, to pick something pretty darn good for Noah. I'll be honest, he's pretty easy to buy for, but this was Simon and you can never be too sure (ha - I'm laughing as I know he'll be reading this). The Wicked Uncle
website is incredibly easy to navigate, and I really do mean that. Everything is categorised down for you, so if you're a little unsure and find the normal toy websites a bit overwhelming - then Wicked Uncle is for you.

They have this fantastic selection menu which is completely fail safe. You can select the childs age and gender that you're looking to buy for, and it'll point you exactly in the right direction. But if that's not your cup of tea, or you're looking for something a little bit more specific, it also has categories for outdoor toys, books and games, educational and soft toys - which is absolutely perfect for those who don't want to spend so long browsing endless pages of toys. Needless to say, when Noahs package arrived he was absolutely thrilled, I think the pictures really say it all and I'm so happy we caught them on camera because my brother couldn't be there at the unboxing. He chose the John Deere Dump Truck & Tractor, which for a boy who is absolutely obsessed with both of those, obviously went down extremely well and I quote 'I REALLY love this mummy'. He had also chosen something a little unexpected but genius, the Lion Antisnap Watch, Noah is always fascinated with my dads apple watch so for him now to have a little watch of his own is very impressive to him. There is no buckle, so no worries that it might get caught on something and hurt your little one, and most importantly - it's super cute.
Overall I'd say job well done! In fact, Noah shed a few little tears when he had to leave his new toys behind to go to bed, so I think that speaks volumes. Thanks to Wicked Uncles fabulous site, Uncle Egg is looking very good in Noahs books right now.
We were given a £40 voucher to use for our part in the challenge, but we understand how important our role is, therefore all opinions are honest.
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