I'm a tad slow off the mark with this one, as I know we're well in the midst of autumn now, even if the weather hasn't quite got the memo. I can't complain, I like that we're able to wear chunky knits and chelsea boots again now - but it's not even nearly hats and gloves weather, it's perfect for us. Autumn always has, and will be my favourite season, not just for the weather but the fact it always holds so much excitement - that big run up till Christmas is undoubtedly the best time of the year. If I'm entirely honest though I've been stuck in a bit of a slump and it's only over the past week has that fog slightly lifted for me so I wanted to cheer myself up by planning out the things we want to do this autumn.

Like with any bucket list I don't expect to be ticking off every single thing, it's just something a little more than a mental reminder of the bits and pieces I'd like us to get up to. Some of the things have been on our previous years lists and we've never managed to do - others are new and have been inspired by what I've already seen others get up to. Either way, I'm sure we'll have fun.

Pumpkin Picking - Would it be Autumn without a sprinkle of pumpkins all over my Instagram? I've already watched every blogger and their dog head out to farms, but as the boys are away this week with my parents in Spain, it means out picking plans have been put on hold till they're back this weekend. I've loved the photos we've gathered over previous years and I guess the biggest benefit from not heading to the farm on the first weekend it opens is that I don't have huge pumpkins sat on the dining table for weeks on end.

Sunday Movie Nights - We started this tradition last year and it's one I'm very keen to bring back now the colder evenings are rolling in. We'd usually head to the park on a Sunday evening, or John would take the boys to let off some steam whilst I'm preparing the roast or cleaning up after tea but now it's getting darker sooner I'm hoping to swap it out for some much needed cuddles on the couch under covers. We can slowly start to roll out the Christmas films (if you know me well you'll know this pretty much started in July) and have that snuggly family time together again.

BUY WELLIES - This has been on my list year after year and I never get round to doing it. I currently don't even own a pair of wellies which is pretty ridiculous given how much time we spend outside. I'm determined to invest in a durable pair this year after leaving my old set behind at my previous job, and I think I'll have to grab John a pair too for good measure. The boys are definitely in need of some new hunters so it looks like I'll have to do one big welly shop for us all. If the winter turns out anything like last years, I'm sure they'll get loads of good use from them.

Autumnal Photo Shoot - I'm sure I'll end up having loads of beautiful snaps anyway from our adventures over the weeks but I'm desperate to get some real good, leaves on the ground photos of the boys this month. They're always so pretty with the reds, oranges and browns that they end up being some of my most favourite photos as the years go on.


  1. That's a lovely bucket list. We're back in the UK in 2 weeks time and I'm hoping to catch some pictures of our son with the autumn leaves. We missed last year so hoping we'll get some proper autumn shots.

  2. We have an autumn bucket list too or else life whizzes by so fast you don't indulge in the season. Can't believe you can survive without wellies!!

  3. What a lovely bucket list for autumn. We need to buy wellies too, so thank you for the reminder. It's always one of those jobs that you think you have time to get round to... until the big sloshy down pour happens.

  4. Autumn is my favourite season. We watched A Christmas Carol on Wednesday. It was so cold we decided a duvet and Christmas movies was needed.

  5. Your bucket list is similar to mine. Laughed so much when I saw the wellies. They’ve been on my to do list pretty much all year lol. We often do Friday movie nights x

  6. I really wanted to go pumpkin picking this year but I don’t think I’ll get chance now! I can always take Theodore next year when hes walking and understanding a little more!
    Much love, Caitylis x x

  7. I love your bucket list!!! Sunday movies sound perfect and we love pumpkin picking. Your photos are so gorgeous! x

  8. Great bucket list, I love the idea of pumpkin picking. We always buy our pumpkins from the local farm shop but I haven't seen anywhere near us where you can pick your own, I'll have to investigate to see if there is somewhere I can take the boys near by.

  9. I love your bucket list, I'm the same with just needing to have it as a sort of mental list to refer back to rather than achieving it all. I love your photos, it reminds me of why autumn is my favourite season x

