We love travelling, a year hasn't gone by in our boys short lives that we haven't exited the country, something I'm really proud of, as I genuinely believe travel broadens the mind. There's nothing quite like watching your children discover new countries, cultures and customs. I thought travelling was thrilling before I had the boys, but experiencing it through their eyes gives a whole new perspective and meaning. So what does a holiday mean? Holiday; 'an extended period of leisure and recreation, especially one spent away from home or in travelling.' A fair literal explanation, but I can't help think that a holiday means so much more than that, it isn't just about time away, or having fun. There's a billion things that a holiday means to us and I know that Simpson travel just ticks every single box effortlessly.

So what does a holiday really mean?

A holiday means: family time.
A break away with your loved ones, gives you a gift that nothing else could, real family time. Sure we all try and make time for a Sunday dinner each week, or we have day trips out but that pales in insignificance when comparing against the time you get together on holiday. It's definitely a case of quality over quantity. We know only too well how precious life is, thanks to Patrick's very precarious few months earth side, I don't think anything quite makes you appreciate life or each other, the way almost losing somebody does. Family time is important to us now more than ever, Noah starts full time school in September and our days are suddenly defined by a school bell and term times. I feel the pressure of wanting to cram so much into this year, I don't want to waste a moment and I think Simpson travel understand that families don't have spare time to squander. You don't waste evenings trawling their site for what may be suitable, they've visited each destination themselves, they know what works for families and they've handpicked the best so you don't have to.

A holiday means: escaping British weather.
We all know how despairing the British weather can be, even summertime requires a jacket of some kind and we never quite know if we'll be getting snow in November, or March. It's a guessing game. I have to admit that January has felt that extra bit blue, because of the dark, damp days. I'm longing for the brighter evenings and waking to the sight of sunlight through our curtains, I know those days are a while off yet, but the thought of a Simpson holiday would definitely make wishing away the days that little easier. I know catching snowflakes on your tongue, and sledging down hills is a hoot, but we're a family of water babies and prefer our toes to be dipped firmly in the sand and I don't think Skegness would quite cut the mustard, do you?

A holiday means: a time to relax.
It's so easy to be just as on the go, away, as you are at home. But I love the resting element of holidays, a real reason why we had an additional break away without the boys last year for a few nights. Because holidaying with children isn't always as tranquil as you imagine it to be. It can be hard trying to manage it all on your own, no parent wants to be left feeling that their break away wasn't really much of a break at all. We prefer the biggest worry to be a case of sun cream in the eye - because let's be honest, that really hurts! Thankfully, Simpson know this, and designed two villa resorts that can help ease the struggle and ensure the children are kept busy too. A win, win situation, I'm sure you'll agree? Their creches look fantastic, as a former nursery nurse I'm so pleased that their ethos sits exactly in line with mine, they care about your children and it's easy to see by their website. Requesting your child's registration forms beforehand is genius, meaning you can iron out any worries or concerns before you even arrive, allowing you to jump straight into your holiday the very moment you land.

A holiday means: making memories.
Travelling gives you a chance to do things you've never done before, and might never do again. Experiences are plentiful, whether it's going through your first flight together, the little ones first passport stamp or simply trying a new delicacy, from the little things to the big things, so much happens on a holiday that you just wouldn't get at home. Some of my fondest childhood memories are on holiday, I first learnt to swim whilst on foreign soil (or water), I made pen pals across the Atlantic, swam with barracudas in Cuba, snorkelled in the middle of the ocean and zip lined in Brazil. My childhood was definitely colourful, and I love the idea of passing the chance of those memories, onto my boys and what better place to make memories than a Simpson travel villa?

I think it's fairly obvious that holidays really are more than a break away, and while the dictionary can, I can't sum it up in a simple sentence. We'd love to be a Simpson Travel family this year, it really would mean the world to us. There isn't much we love to do more than explore together, and document it in the meantime. So, now you know what a holiday means to us and we realise that it means something different to everyone, please do let us know what does a holiday mean to you?

This is my entry for the #SimpsonTravelFamily competition. All views are entirely my own and more details can be found here


  1. What a lovely post! Holidays mean adventures to us - we like to go off the beaten track and explore woods and paths that don't have many people on! xxx

    1. Oh that's very true, I love a peaceful and tranquil holiday when there isn't many people around!

  2. Such a lovely post, and gorgeous photos too. For me holidays are all about quality family time and relaxing.

    1. Thank you. I'm with you on those points, you really have a special kind of bond when you're on holiday.

  3. Holidays mean breaking with routine, being together as a family without all the normal distractions and above all having fun and making memories!

    1. Yes! It's so much easier to enjoy each other when nobody has to do the dishes or the washing and ironing, isn't it?

  4. A holiday to me means a long aeroplane trip to an exotic destination and then hours doing nothing and lying in the sun. I don’t really feel like I’ve had a holiday since Dex was born even though we’ve been away twice!

    1. Completely, holidays with little ones in tow aren't always the most relaxing. But I think Simpson Travel understand this so well and do all they can to make it one to enjoy for the whole family.

  5. Gorgeous photos!! A holiday is definitely to escape the Irish / British weather! We are hoping to take L on his first proper holiday this year :)

    1. Thank you, you're too kind. Oh enjoy, I'm sure it'll be amazing.

  6. A holiday to me means family time! We are going on our first family holiday abroad this year and I'm so excited

    1. I couldn't agree more, I love holidays for that very reason. I hope you have the best time.

  7. Agree with all of these. To us a holiday means a change of scenery from the every day - so it doesn't need to be a fancy beach holiday or 2 weeks of sun. Just a couple of days away somewhere new, exploring, making memories and having family time is my perfect holiday!

    1. Yes, getting anywhere away from home is a break and a holiday in my eyes.

  8. We haven't taken the boys abroad properly yet (we did go to France with Zach a couple of years ago but that's it). We have had wonderful holidays here in the UK though, with the other half's family and whilst hectic, they've always been really special 😁

    1. I love UK breaks, the chance to discover new parts of our own soil is pretty special.

  9. We haven't really been on many family holidays yet. We went to France when my little one was 4 months old but she was too small to really know what was going on! I can't wait to make more memories together one day! :)

    1. I've never actually been to France, I bet that was lovely, a little jet setter before she even turned one!

  10. Totally with you on escaping the British weather! I can’t wait to go abroad for our honeymoon and get away from the cold and wet! I am also excited for our family holiday this summer though as I like making memories with the kids 😊 x

    1. I'm very envious of your Mexico break looming Emma, you'll have the most wonderful time.

  11. I totally agree, it's such much more than something materialistic to me, its my sanity!

    1. And mine too Kerry - I need a break to recoup!

  12. Holidays are all about family time for us. It's a change to switch off our phones and really be present, 24/7. I would say also to escape the british weather but with 6 of us we haven't yet managed to have a holiday overseas!

    1. I agree, the weather started to get a little warmer this weekend and it's really got me in the mood for a holiday.

