I am the most fickle person in this world when it comes to decorating, I can paint a wall and love it but within a week I'm onto the next trend and scouring b&q aisles for the perfect shade of white. Just last year I painted out living room white, and within weeks began to lust over a feature wall. Of course me being me went straight out and invested in various tester pots and within a week we had a midnight blue wall. Shock. Thankfully that was six months ago and thus far, all my lusting has been over things that are a little easier to change up - interiors. I feel as though every other weekend I want to rush off to Ikea. Last year I featured all kinds of wishlists and 2018 will be no different, surely I can't be alone in adding everything to your online basket, sighing at the total, before clicking off the page?

There is a pretty obvious theme here, I am into gold in a big way this year, having already began to add little touches here and there at the end of 2017. You can think Pinterest for giving me a taste way beyond our houses capabilities and one that my purse strings cannot stretch to, but a girl can dream can't she? And that's what I'm doing, and here is my dreamy wishlist that is a little more budget friendly.

Desenio is the king of prints, it really is. I shared our kitchen after we had a little renovation and I am in love with their new pieces this year. Monstera plants are beautiful and if our house wasn't the place that plants came to die, I would invest in a huge one to take pride of place. But alas I shall always be a plant killer, and therefore picture form seems the best option for everyone involved. I've already ordered this (and began furiously tracking since the confirmation email) and I can't wait for it to arrive.

I felt as though I was the only blogger on Instagram that didn't own a gold planter. I just couldn't for the life of me find one online, never mind in stores. Until now, Matalan have seriously upped their homewares game and I'm impressed. With an influx of gold featuring in their 'new arrivals' page, it seems like for once in my life I might be on trend? I can just envision this beauty perched in the corner of our room with of course a faux plant inside.

The windows in our living room have played havoc with me since we moved in, I am not someone who likes to sit with their lights on and curtains open - something our neighbours seem to relish in. I hate the thought of being up at night and turning around to a face at the window, pretty scary business and to avoid the fact we invested in blinds as well as curtains - they were a pain in the arse to put up and I've never been truly happy with them. They were just a temporary fix to a problem that has turned into a longer term fix. They need to go. So out with the blinds and in with the shutters. Shutters are one of those beauties that look amazing from the outside and the in, they're versatile and they just look much more elegant than our shoddy blinds.

The cushions and the basket go hand in hand, though I suspect I'll need to invest in a bigger one. We currently have a cosy corner, that has all our blankets neatly rolled into a similar basket, I love it, especially for movie nights, Noah just simply grabs one and we snuggle up, when it's time for bed I roll it up and pop it back in - done and dusted. I hate having our sofa draped with a thousand cushions or blankets and another basket it the perfect solution. Plus they're so handy to make toy storage look a little more glam.

Our walls though very blue, are still a little bare and where I have one tapastry hanging up beside the door, I'm looking to swap it for something a little more out there. Our current one is very monochrome and will fit really well in our bedroom, and this little number from Matalan will be even more beautiful in taking it's place. It's a complete steal compared to others on the market and I can see it being added to our home very soon.

*This is a sponsored post


  1. I love all your choices! That tassel wall hanging is the stuff of dreams! Matalan, I'm impressed! x

  2. I saw the wall hanging and loved it! Matalan have loads of stuff in at the minute - we have only just decorated but I’m ready to start all over again! x

  3. I wow this is all so lovely, I love redecorating and I think I need to start planning a change in our living room!

  4. I love that palm leave print! My next project is our bedroom - I've found the most gorgeous wallpaper! xx

  5. I didn’t realise Matalan did home bits! I can’t wait for us to buy a house this year so we can decorate it to exactly how I want it

  6. Love the vase and I'm not usually a fan of gold! I love Matalan homewar.

  7. Love gold especially rose gold. I must check out Catalan homeware!

