Choosing one city to see when you visit a country is hard. I'm fickle and I change my mind quicker than I change my socks, but there's a few cities that just never escape our bucket list. I'm sure I'm not alone, everyone has those places they're desperate to visit, right? Even if they are pipe dreams. You know you’re only going to get a small glimpse of everything that the nation in question has to offer. That’s why it’s usually best to go for the capital city. In the case of most nations, the capital is the heart of everything that is great about the particular country. It's rare we go to cities, we are a beach vibes kind of family and I'm trying to rectify that slowly, cities always teach you things that no shoreline ever will and I've got a bucket list as long as my arm of cities that I am desperate to be absorbed in.

Bangkok, Thailand.
Bangkok is a beautiful city that represents a lot of the cultural and historical influence and has helped to shape Thailand as a country. It’s a capital with a lot of stories to tell, and that makes it a fascinating place to visit for any keen explorer. You definitely need to see the Grand Palace first. It’s one of the most famous sites in Bangkok, and the structural beauty of the building barely scratches the surface of what makes this palace so special. This stunning spectacle was the home of the Thai King for nearly two centuries. Its intricate detail and beautiful decor both make more sense when you realise that the palace was designed for a king. My sister and brother in law visited Thailand during Songkran and the tales they tell are endless.

Mexico City, Mexico.
You should also visit Mexico City if you’re looking for a truly exciting travelling experience. The capital of Mexico might not be one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, but it should be. There’s a lot to experience in this frantic city. You should obviously start by visiting the golden Angel of Independence on the stunning avenue known as Paseo de la Reforma. This angelic structure is a symbol of Mexico City that will be recognisable to many travellers. It was modelled by the order of the Emperor Maximilian of Mexico after the Champs-Élysées in Paris. History is contained in every fantastic piece of architecture that you’ll see in this intriguing city. We've ventured to Mexico a few times in the past, but again we've always been drawn to the sandy shores rather than the bustling centres. Make sure you visit the wonderful Museo Nacional de Antropologia if you want an intriguing look at some ancient historical artefacts. There are some beautiful exhibits in there; the 16th-century statue of Xochipilli, an ancient Aztec god, is a truly magnificent spectacle. You should also choose accommodation such as the JW Marriott Hotel Mexico City Santa Fe if you’re looking for luxury during your stay. It’s important that you enjoy the city in style and comfort.

Tokyo, Japan.

The capital of Japan is one of the most intriguing capital cities in the world, so that makes this destination the perfect suggestion on which to end this article. Simply wandering around this vast concrete maze is an experience in itself, so you’ll probably want a little guidance if you want to avoid getting lost and confused by the depths of the city. You should start by visiting the Tsukiji Fish Market. Seeing the world’s busiest fish market in person is a real whirlwind of an experience. You also need to experience a live sumo wrestling match whilst you’re in the city. There are three grand tournaments at the Ryogoku Kokugikan every year, so you should definitely visit the capital when one of them is one.

New York, New york.
Would it be a bucket list if the big apple didn't feature? I feel like every man and his dog have visited New York but me. Even John's made a trip, in snowy season too - how jammy is he? I'm longing to visit ground zero, something I've always found morbidly fascinating, after still being able to recall watching the events unfold live on television. Central park is a must, though I've heard it's a no-go in the evenings, and of course, top of the rock, it wouldn't be New York without your top of the rock insta now would it?

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  1. I would love to visit Japan. It's been on my bucket list for ages. Along with Iceland so I can see the Northern Lights.

  2. I want to visit New York so badly! Ben has been before and I’m incredibly jealous of him haha! X

