We're back, we've landed, unpacked the suitcase and cracked open the duty free choccies we bought. Ahh is it good to be home, I think sometimes you need a break away just to appreciate home that little bit more. They say your home is wherever you feel most comfortable and that is definitely our house for me. Reuniting with my babies was the best feeling, I know in the grand scheme of things that four nights isn't much, but we've never spent more than one away from each other so for us it felt like a pretty huge deal. By bedtime I'm sure I'll be ready to jump back onto that plane and whizz off into the skies but for now, I'm so glad to be home with my boys.

I guess this is a bit of a cheat wading in on 'ordinary moments', because spending half a week on holiday without your children isn't quite so ordinary, but, it made me appreciative of all those other moments that are. I've looked forward to our plays in the park, when the boys only take turns on the same three things and refuse to try anything new. I'm looking forward to bedtime when Noah coaxes us into reading him not just one or two stories but three and four, the 'just one more Mummy pleeeease' that I haven't heard in so many evenings. I'm really looking forward to trading in our evenings spent in cocktail bars, to one spend snuggled on the sofa watching the same old documentaries that we love. Oh how it's good to be home.

The Ordinary Moments