Thankfully, we're on the home stretch to turning four and I'm pretty pleased about it as these last couple of months have definitely been testing. When your child first learns the word no it's amusing, but when they start to actually enforce the no, it's not quite so much. I'd be doing Noah a disservice if I pretended he was hellish because in all honesty, that's his brother, not him. He's well behaved and pretty reliable for said good behaviour, you know the type of kid you could take anywhere. But he has these moments, and my word are they moments - when the threenager inside is released in full force. For example just last week I found myself having to bribe Noah with a greggs fun bun - you know the ones with double his daily sugar allowance in a single bite and those god awful plastic rings on the top, yeah those. I used one to make sure he walked nicely around town, now I know he knows how to walk just fine but he's suddenly decided if he's feeling a bit like releasing the beast then dragging my arm downwards is the annoyance method of choice combined with point blank refusing to move with a loud 'Nooooo Mummy!!!!' if he spots something he wants. And as he's three, there are lots of things he wants. Of course I relish in the stares I get from passers by, sometimes with pity, often with judgement 'Ah, she's got a naughty boy'. No, it's just a simple case of a threenager.
Then come what me and John like to call the 'lairy moments' it's when we feel he's on his transition mode from Noah to the threenager. He starts to talk in this really low and loud voice, if he's talking directly to you he likes to make sure he gets really close to your face, nose to nose is definitely necessary and on occasions he'll even speak
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