The kitchen is said to be the heart of the home, and it's a stance I completely agree with as it's probably the reason my heart was definitely in our current house, until now. I hated our kitchen, I really did. Stupidly I never took a 'before' photo, as I detested it too much to photograph, but with it's beech wood cupboards, magnolia walls and horrible tiles, it was as far away from my pinterest dreams that you could get. I knew I had to change things up and after pinning till my hearts content without actually converting my inspirations into reality, we decided to redecorate the kitchen.

When we moved into our home, the wall that is currently grey was a horrendous bright orange, John said it reminded him of his childhood kitchen back in the 90's and I knew it had to go instantly. In one of our first few weeks of getting the keys, it was the first thing my Mum helped me re-do and then that was as far as we got with changing the kitchen, any further plans remained static until this month when we've completely overhauled it. Bye bye outdated decor and hello Scandinavian vibes. We painted the magnolia white to match almost the entirety of the rest of the house, I'm not bold enough to step outside of monochrome, and we switched up the kitchen cupboards from the horrible beech wood to a nice, clean, neutral white. The counter top isn't my favourite, but having worked out the price for new it seems silly to spend big money as the current one was brand new when we moved in almost three years ago. So, we've had to make it work, and I think we have.

With all the basics done and dusted, the kitchen still didn't feel as homely as I'd imagined. Sure I'd made the standard ikea trip and topped up on enough artificial plants and candles to last a life time, and I knew our dining table wasn't going to arrive for another six weeks, it still didn't feel 'right'. I needed prints, and lots of them. When I look back to my pinterest kitchen inspo, all of them are full of beautiful pictures and instantly I knew that was what was lacking in our kitchen, so I scoured the internet before stumbling on the hidden gem that is Poster Lounge and it was there I lost hours just searching the endless pages of beautiful prints. I was spoilt. So many were perfect that it really was hard to choose. I was truly blown away by the prices, in comparison to so many others on the market they're a fraction of the cost, which made me very happy as it meant more for me. When I first made my order, I was pleasantly surprised by how fast they arrived, and how safe - after all nobody wants to wind up with torn or creased prints and Poster Lounge have definitely put though into their packaging. They were off to a good start before we'd even opened the parcel.

Our prints needed to reflect us and I think our selection does that nicely. My favourite print is our huge 'cocktail recipe', it's fun and useful, without being distasteful? Even John, the man with zero taste was pleasantly surprised at my selection. He's always been quite fussy about prints and pictures, only ever owning three in his life from galleries in New York so I was quite impressed that he remarked on the quality of the paper and posters themselves being pretty fantastic. The frames themselves also came from Poster Lounge, and were such a welcomed relief as they are impeccable quality and so easy to get into, forget the god awful push clasps on the back of cheap Ikea frames, Poster Lounge have sliding clasps that don't annihilate your fingers and thumbs each time you try to open them. Now it's just a waiting game on our sideboard and dining table before our kitchen is finally complete and I cannot wait, I have envisions of Christmas baking in here, sitting at the table to wrap presents and it really being what it was always designed to be - our family room.

*this is a collaborative post


  1. Oh my goodness, I just fell in love with your kitchen! Those wall pieces are gorgeous :-)

  2. What a stylist and sleek kitchen you have, love the prints on the walls x

  3. Wow, that's gorgeous! We moved into hideous orange walls too in the hall and living room, they were covered up very quickly. Our kitchen is def made for dancing too 😀

  4. What a stunning kitchen! I particularly love those black and white prints!

  5. Ooh I dream of a beautiful kitchen like this! I think the worktops work really well with the cupboards. LOVE those prints, the frames sound absolutely dreamy too haha xx

  6. I am totally loving these prints that you guys went with. I am currently in the process of thinking do I get a whole new kitchen or just paint and design it up. These pics would certainly come in handy at mine.

  7. Loving these prints! Thinking of putting some Ikea ledges up behind my bed in the bedroom and do a similar look!

