As you may be aware we were very lucky to be selected as Vital Baby brand ambassadors last year, a role that we've thoroughly enjoyed and found extremely useful. Our role meant that each month we would receive a little care package from them with some new items that were in keeping with Patricks age at that time. I found the set up really lovely because it always felt at a time when I needed to look for certain things for him, be it weaning spoons, a new cup et cetera, Vital baby were right on hand to read my mind and I'd get a knock at the door with the very things I would be looking for. When you're a sleep deprived mum of two, someone taking away the stress element of trawling through websites or supermarket aisles looking for the perfect weaning bowl, was genius and very well received.

First Impressions
Before our role as brand ambassadors, I really hadn't heard much about vital baby and I kick myself that I didn't discover them during those early years with Noah, they really are a brand I will continue to use and endorse as I cannot fault them. One of our first packages included the Aquaint Sanitising Water, a product I now can't imagine my life without, we use it daily and it took us a whole 7 months before we ran out - if that doesn't give you value for money I'm not sure what does. I spoke about packages coming at just the right time and this one really did. We were greeted by the sanitising water when we first arrived home from hospital after giving birth to Patrick, as you'll know he was a very poorly baby and endured a NICU stay, clean hands and a germ free household were at the absolute top of our priorities in ensuring he stayed healthy and happy, I feel I have Vital Baby to thank for this.

Tried & Tested
One of my favourite parcels from them, arrived just as we were contemplating weaning Patrick, it included their Twist 'n Lock Freezer Pods which have been nothing short of a god send. Our freezer space is limited, and when I made the thinner purees for Patrick I was finding that pots I just popped into our freezer, solo, were tipping over and leaking before they had chance to freeze. Not anymore thanks to these clever little device, I do wonder why all weaning pots don't include one? I'm a bit OCD too and really enjoy my fridge and freezer being organised, so if all pots are together in one place, it makes for a happy Emily. Vital baby also sent something else early on, that while I wish we'd never have to use and thank, we do, because ultimately it doesn't really bare thinking about the consequences. It was their health and safety pack, it proved invaluable. At five weeks only, Patrick experiences another episode of respiratory distress syndrome, he was struggling to breath and thank heavens I had the thermometer to check his temperature before that happened, as an electronic one we'd paid a considerable amount for, wouldn't work. It quickly alerted us he was reading 39, which as parents we all know is very alarming for a five week old baby. A 111 call resulted in a blue light ambulance, which whilst it was on it's way was when his breathing became really distressed, it resulted in oxygen and a gruelling five day hospital stay. You truly can't appreciate how thankful we are to that little Vital Baby thermometer that day, if we didn't have it, who knows what might have happened or how long we'd have waited before realising something was wrong. The last product in my top three from Vital Baby was the Float and Slide Ducks they are fantastic and five months later, they are the first toys Noah chooses from his box, every single bath time without fail. We needed a bit of a freshen up with bath toys for Noah, he was board of the generic squirting squishy animals, so these rad little ducks that you could push down the slides to plunge into the water were fantastic. I definitely haven't enjoyed playing with them myself in the bath (I don't know what you're talking about). The set isn't a huge contraption either as you can quickly fold the slide up and pop it away for super easy storage.

Overall Verdict
It goes without saying I have a lot to thank Vital Baby for, aside from being the lifeline in a horrible situation, they've cheered my days up when I get their little packs. Their brand is something I will continue to promote because I feel so strongly about it, they're stocked in almost all good stores which speaks volumes for me. Vital Baby pride themselves on listening to what Mums and Dads want and that is something I can completely vouch for, there is nothing in any product I received I can ask more from.

Make sure you check out our other reviews, for our baby essentials.

*We were sent these items for free as part of our brand ambassadorship 


  1. Loved watching all your insta stories when you started weaning P. Vital baby really do look like they need to be a part of our routine too!

    Lucie xx |

  2. Some fantastic products! I hadn't heard of the company so will definitely be keeping an eye out now!

  3. I have loved the vital baby products we have used in the past! That bath toy with the slide looks awesome x

  4. I've never used these before so I will definitely have a look into it :) ox

  5. I've never heard of the brand, will have to take a look! Sounds like they have some lovely products in their range x

  6. Vital Baby are such a good brand (from what I have heard) I have a few of their products on my to buy list for when we start weaning Rory!

  7. Vital are an amazing brand we have some of there products like the lock in pots they are so useful even now. It really looks like you had huge fun been a brand ambassador


