The world is a different place to what it was 12 weeks ago; every aspect of life has changed in the UK. There’s no aspect of life that has been untouched by the pandemic, and as a result we are forced to find new ways to continue to lead some level of normal life, particularly when it comes to working. As a result of the pandemic, many people have had to change how they work, which has meant more and more people adapting to working in a different way going forward. For freelancers and those who run small businesses or blogs, there has been a lot to adapt to.
If you’re struggling to adapt to the new normal in regards to how you need to work at the current time and for the foreseeable future, you may find the below tips and ideas for working more successfully remotely, somewhat useful. 

For everything that you need to know about navigating your way through the new normal as a freelancer or small business owner, have a read of the tips below!

Enhance and improve your website 
If you want to give yourself the best chance of success running your business fully virtually, it’s a good idea to take the time to give your website an update. If your business is going to be running fully virtually, then your website will become the heart of that business, and it needs to reflect the quality of the work that you offer. Worried that your site lacks quality? Perhaps now could be the ideal time to have it redesigned and redeveloped? You may also want to have a read of some web design tips to get an idea of what your site should incorporate. 

Adequate IT support is vital 
Don’t forget to invest in some adequate IT support, as you need to ensure that you have help on hand, should you need it. Just imagine that your website runs into a serious problem, and crashes as a result. You wouldn’t want your site to be down for too long, would you? That’s why having IT support on hand is vital to your success, so that whatever the internet and your software throws at you, you are in a position to deal with it. 

Create boundaries between your personal life and your work life
Simply because you’re running your business remotely, that doesn’t mean that boundaries don’t need to be put in place. Start by creating a dedicated at-home workspace that’s purely for you to work from. Consider investing in a virtual address, such as from somewhere like, for instance. By adding a virtual address to your business or blog, you can ensure that you appear as professional as possible. 

There you have it, a few useful steps for helping you to navigate the new normal as a freelancer in the post-pandemic world. The world has changed and that has meant that how we work has also had to change, but don’t let that impact your success. 


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