Noah will soon be six and I've realised over the past few months that he has definitely outgrown his room, not in terms of size but style. It's not really changed much since we redecorated when Patrick was born and given over three and a half years have passed, it's time for a change. I've spent quite a while looking online and even got a couple of ideas from some show home rooms I saw recently with my Mum, so I think I know exactly the style I'm going for. It's going to be pretty versatile and easily adaptable, just like his room now. I will never be going all in with wallpapers or crazy feature walls as I think they can be such a pain to replace to redecorate when tastes change.

Noah really is your typical little boy, he's into everything Lego and Minecraft and so going for a specific theme wasn't really an option.  I know he'll grow out of them as he gets older and so I had to bare that in mind when planning everything out, the room should grow with him and I know he wont wake up one morning and decide he hates it because it's covered in something he's now decided he's too grown up for. Over the years I contemplated doing all sorts, getting him a giant tractor bed when he was really into everything farm related, grabbing some Minecraft bedding just this year when he realised he constantly wanted to talk about nothing but it.

Now he's in year one, he's really starting to grow out of the bigger bulkier toys they love as babies and toddlers, and as most parents will know the older they get the smaller yet more expensive the things they want become. That being said, we certainly don't need as much toy storage in his room, so the kalax unit in there will probably move into his brothers room, it's currently filled with books that I definitely need to sift through and decide what's too young for him now. I want a desk in there because he has homework every week and on top of that he really just loves to draw and write, so I think a little work space will get a lot of use. His room is still just a single room, or a very small double, so I love the concept of a foldable wall desk, by having shelves above it to fit all sorts of stationary on I think it'll look really cute.

The armchair is an Ikea bargain and will look perfect in place of the kallax unit, it'll be somewhere for him to sit and read, and look at stories, it's child size so wont really be for bedtime reading with us, more so for him to do his own thing. I adore the bunting too, I think it's colourful and will pop in the room against the white walls, I'm going to be adding such a big variety of colour across the room and I really don't mind if it clashes. I want it to bright and bold, just like my little boy. Hopefully in the next month or two I'll be able to showcase how it's all come together, probably over on social media first so make sure you check out my Instagram.


  1. These are such lovely ideas to update a boys room as they get older x

  2. Aw what lovely little ideas x

