28 February 2019
Each year I think as someone who is self employed, a parent, works from home, the list is endless, I feel January is the longest month in existence. It impacts all of those roles in different ways, but especially because of the ebb after Christmas, January just feels, well honestly, a little bit rubbish. Last year we can all probably remember that every month had thirty or thirty one days bar January which seemed to have roughly three hundred and thirty, it lasted forever, so I was secretly relieved when this year it seemed to pass just like every other month before and after it. However, I think something has taken it's place - February, every time I sleep I'm sure I wake up in the day before, February is fast becoming the month that never ends.
February has a bit more going for it that January, that I will admit, with Valentines day etc but it's still the longest month since last Jan, of that I am certain. January people are often full of excitement for the year, new year new me, all the promises we know that we wont realistically keep - but the hope is there. Usually by the time this month rolls around, all hope is lost, we've abandoned the plans to work out everyday, we know we've probably gained weight rather than lost it, and our motivation is at the bottom of the biscuit jar. Money is never rolling in, everyone is still recovering from the big hit that Christmas takes at the purse strings and there is already Mothers Day and Easter just around the corner. February is a dud month and I wont have anyone tell me otherwise.
I figured the only way to make me feel better about the everlasting month of doom, is to plan for the ones that it feels like we'll never reach. Starting with holidays, I've been really falling hard into the trap of looking at flights, hotels, places to go and be, almost booking and then exiting the page because I can't commit my fickle self. I know by now we need to have some passport plans in place to look forward too, but there is just so much that I really want to tick off my bucket list this year. The boys head away with my parents again at the end of May and whilst last year we chose to spend that time literally doing nothing, with no school runs, no midnight wake ups and just relaxing - this time I want to have something to show for it rather than a week of well rest. We'd really like to visit Auschwitz so a trip to Poland could be looking likely, I know it's not everyones idea of a child free weekend away but it's somewhere we've both desperately wanted to see May just might be the perfect time.
If you came to this post looking for tips and tricks on how to pull through February, I'm possibly a few paragraphs too late to tell you that you are most definitely in the wrong place, because I am no wiser on how to press fast forward either. As we're set to head into the last week I'm starting to wonder if I'll blink and we'll be back at the 15th again, March isn't really a month of anythings but I'm excited for this years. Next month should hopefully see the arrival of a my first niece or nephew and that thought is more thrilling than anything else we could have planned for the year combined, the boys finally get a cousin and I will officially be Aunty Em.
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