The dreaded subject and the time that seemed years away, has finally come, I'm due to go back to work in two weeks (three with one weeks holiday) but contrary to a lot of people, I am nervously excited.
Of course, it goes without saying I will miss Noah so much, I'll wish I was home with him and the novelty of heading back to work will wear thin within a week, but after a while maternity leave can become a little bit tedious. Maternity pay is no big money, and when babies are so small (see previous post) there isn't too many places you can take them to interact, so from time to time it can all become a little same-y. I'm definitely looking forward to some adult interaction that isn't with someone I live with. I'm looking forward to earning my own money again, It'll be nice to gush to someone who probably isn't sick of me talking about him yet, but most of all I will be looking forward to coming home to my cuddly little boy and snuggling up to him. I'm lucky enough to work literally 3 minute drive from our house, so I can pop home at lunch, my hours are what I wanted and I do enjoy working at my job, so I can't complain. I also know, Noah will be safe at home with my mum taking very good care of him, we're fortunate that she is able to do that as I'm sure heading back to work for me would be much more difficult if I knew he was going into the hands of someone I didn't know.
Any other Mummies out there heading back to work soon? How you do feel about it?
23 August 2014
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