A new healthy lifestyle

As most ladies with a summer holiday booked, a baby recently born and a body that definitely doesn't look how it used to, I knew it was time for a change. Time has been ticking away to our holiday in July & I've finally bitten the bullet, got off my backside and started making some changes.

Firstly, I've completely cut out fizzy pop. It was often filling me during meals, making me not finish food & then snack on cr*p once the fizzy bloating had subsided. Obviously it's completely terrible for you, and just empty calories really, so a very obvious first choice to cut out, I don't particularly enjoy it so it's not been a struggle at all. I've just bought bottled water and fresh juices in instead. 

Second, is snacking. This was to be more difficult, as I do enjoy a little snack whilst watching a movie or to be honest, if I'm bored. I knew to just give up snacks would be pretty hard, because I do get peckish, so I've not cut it out, I've changed it. Firstly if I'm hungry I'll have a drink, and if I'm still hungry 10 minutes after, I'll have a healthy snack. I bought in some peppered cracker bread and snack on that. I've even bought some wheat & gluten free Naked chocolate bars which are perfect as they're way healthier than say a milky bar? (Mmm milky bar)
And lastly, exercise, something that is incredibly hard to find time for as a mummy. When we get a break, we have chores to do, errands to run and sometimes, we just want to sit down and relax. But I'm pretty fortunate, my parents actually have a gym at home. Running machines. Cross trainers, bikes, weight machines, sauna, the lot. It works really well because if I want to go in the gym, my mum is more than happy to look after Noah for an hour which is perfect, I couldn't ask for a better arrangement. 

I'm hoping to lose two stone in total, because I'd like to lose a fair bit more than I've put on. I know I need to do it now, because I want to feel good on holiday, and when I go back to work in October I really will struggle to find the time. Now is my chance and I'm relishing it. 

Any other mummies out their on a diet? Please tell me your tips? 


  1. AnonymousMay 13, 2014

    It does take perseverance. Some weeks I'm better than others. I'm better on the diet front then I am on the exercise front. Really we need to live near each other to give each other a kick up the arse! lol x

    1. I know, I definitely need a work out partner haha it's a shame. I'm the other way around, I'm better on the exercise than the diet. But I'm trying and hoping it will pay off, (hopefully before holiday) haha

