Parenthood is grand, isn't it? When you're pregnant, you're already a parent eagerly awaiting the arrival of a brand new little life. It's an exciting thing to be a part of and while it's the most challenging thing that you ever do, it's going to be full of interesting lessons for the rest of your life. As a soon-to-be parent, you're going to receive a ridiculous amount of advice about pregnancy, parenting a newborn, how to duck away from a toddler and how teenagers need you. You're going to hear all about what your baby should be doing and when, what milestones you should hit as a family and what to look for when they're not feeling well. Parenting is tough and is full of questions, and the brand new life entering yours is going to change everything for the better. You'll learn a lot when you start out with a newborn baby, and much of what you earn will come from a mix of "as you go" and from books and (mostly) solicited advice from friends. There is a lot that you will learn about newborns along the way, but the things we'll tell you below may be stuff you've never heard before! So, with that in mind, let's jump right in and learn some stuff!
They Make A LOT Of Noise
We're not talking about crying - we all know that babies cry - but babies make an awful lot of noise that you won't expect. The little squeaks and grunts can mean you're waking a lot through the night, even when there is no one to feed. Did you also know that their cry is different depending on what they want? Babies make a "neh" sound over and over when they're hungry, and this differs from the sound they make when they're tired or in pain with wind. When they're not crying, they have no table manners and make for the noisiest eaters, and they grunt and squeak as they settle. It's mostly cute - sometimes annoying - mostly cute, though.
Babies Get Acne
Baby acne is the flush of red cluster spots across the face and chin of a newborn baby. In some newborns, it's totally normal and part of the mother's hormones still leaving the system. In others, baby acne is actually a reaction to milk and a response in babies with cow's milk protein allergies. It's important that you take note of other symptoms of CMPA so don't rule out acne is hormonal until you can be sure.
Baby Heads Are Weird
Some babies have odd shaped heads. It's noticeable when they have a flatness to one side from preferring that side to sleep, but for a while - at least - your baby may have a slightly misshapen head. This happens due to the skull bones crossing over one another during the birth to give the baby room to get out. It takes a few weeks for the plates in the skull to stretch out and settle, so don't panic. If you're concerned about any overlap, speak to your child health nurse about it - they'll reassure you!
Babies Can Be Scaly
Okay, so this is more to do with the fact that their skin can get very dry very quickly but a newborn dry scalp or cradle cap is easy enough to smooth out. You can use cradle cap shampoos and the skin will flake off over time, but a tried and tested method is coconut or olive oil rubbed into the scalp, and then gently massaged away the next day with a soft-bristle brush. Never try to pick the skin off with your fingernails; you have to remember that this skin is attached to the head and it will hurt them to pick it off without any lubrication setting in.
Babies Jump
Not with their feet, but they jump and jolt at loud noises and - most of the time - just existing. Spending nine months suspended in a bag of supportive amniotic fluid limits a baby in their movement. Their startle reflex is not them having a fit - it's a survival reflex. If you notice your newborn suddenly jolt and make themselves cry, smile and know that their brain is keeping them alive. The startle reflex also reminds them to breathe.
Babies Forget To Breathe
Speaking of reminding babies to breathe - did you know that babies can forget to do it? Babies sleep in the same room as their parents because they regulate their breathing to match their mother and father. Babies forget to breathe and they can often startle themselves out of it. It's not a known fact to a new set of parents, but it's one to learn quickly so you don't panic every single time they jolt!
Baby Boys Stand To Attention
Oh, to have a son! All of your friends who have boys will warn you about the flying urine as you open a diaper to change it. They tell you to throw down a wipe to prevent a loose hose situation, but they don't always tell you that little boys stand to attention (ahem) from a very young age. Don't worry - it's normal - babies have happy hormones rushing through their bodies, and this causes involuntary reactions.
Constant Hunger Is Normal
So, your newborn wants to be on the breast what seems like 24/7. It's totally normal! Babies have a tummy the size of a bead, growing to the size of a cherry. They feed little and often to prevent their stomachs overstretching and they get so much more from breastfeeding than just milk. They get comfort, security and satisfaction from it. When they hit four months old, they don't have to be moved to solid food just because their hunger - which settled at week ten - ramps up again. There is a four month sleep regression where they go through a massive growth spurt; so they eat more. Go back to newborn basics at this stage and feed, feed, feed. All they need is milk for six months!Babies Jump
Not with their feet, but they jump and jolt at loud noises and - most of the time - just existing. Spending nine months suspended in a bag of supportive amniotic fluid limits a baby in their movement. Their startle reflex is not them having a fit - it's a survival reflex. If you notice your newborn suddenly jolt and make themselves cry, smile and know that their brain is keeping them alive. The startle reflex also reminds them to breathe.
Babies Forget To Breathe
Speaking of reminding babies to breathe - did you know that babies can forget to do it? Babies sleep in the same room as their parents because they regulate their breathing to match their mother and father. Babies forget to breathe and they can often startle themselves out of it. It's not a known fact to a new set of parents, but it's one to learn quickly so you don't panic every single time they jolt!
Baby Boys Stand To Attention
Oh, to have a son! All of your friends who have boys will warn you about the flying urine as you open a diaper to change it. They tell you to throw down a wipe to prevent a loose hose situation, but they don't always tell you that little boys stand to attention (ahem) from a very young age. Don't worry - it's normal - babies have happy hormones rushing through their bodies, and this causes involuntary reactions.
Constant Hunger Is Normal
So, your newborn wants to be on the breast what seems like 24/7. It's totally normal! Babies have a tummy the size of a bead, growing to the size of a cherry. They feed little and often to prevent their stomachs overstretching and they get so much more from breastfeeding than just milk. They get comfort, security and satisfaction from it. When they hit four months old, they don't have to be moved to solid food just because their hunger - which settled at week ten - ramps up again. There is a four month sleep regression where they go through a massive growth spurt; so they eat more. Go back to newborn basics at this stage and feed, feed, feed. All they need is milk for six months!
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