I spy with my little eye, something a little different about myself. You wouldn't be wrong for double glancing and wondering what's different, but spoiler alert - it's my eyes. I think I've harped on enough in the past how indecisive and fickle I can be when it comes to anything from interior decor, what candle to light in the house or what shoes to wear. My eye colour doesn't elude this trait of mine unfortunately. I've dabbled in wearing contacts throughout the years but more recently it's been for a reason, such as Halloween, rather than a fashion statement or wanting to shake up my appearance.  That's not to say I haven't really felt out of love with having brown eyes, they're boring to me, which I'm sure everyone feels about their own - my hair falls into the same category, I've always wished my curly mane was less Worzel Gummidge and more sleek, straight and shiny, whilst my friends would call me crazy and use every curling wand possible to recreate what fell naturally to me - you always think the grass is greener don't you? We can pop into a hair salon and let the assistant go wild with the scissors, any colour under the sun is just about doable these days and the same can be said for our nails but there is something that holds me back when it comes to my eyes, after all you only get one pair, so whilst I was looking to give them a little spruce up it was important to me that I chose a reliable brand to do so with.

Last week I was kindly sent contact lenses from Vision Direct and given I hadn't sampled any that didn't fall in the novelty category for around eight years, I was a little apprehensive. All my memories of wearing contacts for longer than a few hours are ones that go hand in hand with red eyes, soreness and cloudy vision, they've always worked well for a little while but never something I could wear all day long. I was sceptical, but having lived with brown eyes for almost twenty six years I wanted a change enough to take the plunge and try them out, and to my surprise, they were fantastic. I was firstly super impressed with the speedy delivery, Vision Direct offer a next day service and as they stock the same brands as local high street opticians, there isn't any worry you're going to get something really unfamiliar, I really like that. I opted for their FreshLook dailies, I didn't want the worry of having to store them safely as I'm the typical girl who will lose one down the plug hole on removal - Vision Direct's pricing was incredibly affordable to it didn't feel too much of a splurge going for that option.

The first day I popped the lenses in it did take a little bit of time to get the hang of the insertion and removal process, after all I haven't done this for a very long time but just like anything practice makes perfect and by the next day I'd found my stride. I laugh about it now, but initially I struggled to get the lenses out of my eyes which seems ridiculous given most people find putting them in trickier, the problem for me was actually something that I really loved about the lenses - their incredible softness, they were so soft and thin that I couldn't feel them to grab hold, had the bold colour not given it away I would have questioned if they were still in my eyes. That itself says a lot for how they feel once they're in, I completely forgot about them after a few minutes and carried about my day until John caught sight of them for the first time, stopping me in my tracks and reminding me that I was actually wearing them.

The colour of the FreshLook contacts is spot on, I chose a set of green and a set of blue, both equally as striking and yet natural. After posting on my Instagram discussing the lenses, I was flooded with compliments on how suited they were to me, a stark contrast to previous lenses I've used that stood out like a sore thumb for their unnatural look. I'm now onto my fifth day of wearing them and I already know I'll be ordering more sets once I'm out, I can pop them in first thing in the morning along with my eye drops (which I'll get more onto in a moment) and have to be reminded by John before bed that they're still there, no soreness or redness hours in, in reality I think my eyes looked healthier whilst I used the contacts but I'm not sure if that was owed to the everclear eye drops. I'd never used eye drops in the past so it was a completely new concept to me, after speaking to a couple of people they advised me to pop a few drops into my eyes after inserting the contacts, to lubricate my eyes and avoid any of that pain dryness can cause. At this time of year with hayfever rife, I'd truly recommend these drops to anyone who is a sufferer because for me the relief the drops give are one thing but they made my eyes appear brighter without a doubt, something that I really noticed the difference in if I didn't use them.

Over all I'm delighted with my contact lens experience with Vision Direct, it was a really positive one, I'll be using their services going forward and if you're looking to have a play with your eye colour then I recommend giving them a shot. My eyesight is right on track so I don't actually need to wear contact lenses for any reason other than vanity, but for those who do need some help, Vision Direct work on a prescription service too so you can tailor them to your needs, which I think is fantastic.

*This is a collaboration with Vision Direct, as always all opinions are entirely my own and I'll proceed to swan through life with a new eye colour each week thanks to them.


  1. What a great idea, I never thought to wear contact lenses to change the colour of my eyes and not because I needed them!

  2. Wow, you look totally different! What a great way to change things up a bit. Did people notice and remark on the change in colour?

  3. These look great on you!! I wear contact lenses on a daily basis anyway because I am VERY short sighted and have an astigmatism so I spend a small fortune on contact lenses that I can also wear for longer periods of time. I’d love to know what I’d look like with brown eyes though!

    1. Oh, I love these! You look fab and I had no idea that you could get cosmetic dailies! I'm intrigued...

  4. Oh I wish I was brave enough for contact lenses, these look great! X

  5. Oh wow they look amazing! I wear contacts now and again and I would love to try out the green ones!

  6. Oh wow you look really different with the contact lenses on! It's incredible how such a small thing can make such a difference :)

  7. Ooh love these!! The blue really suits you;)

  8. They really suit you! I remember when I used to wear contacts and got the monthly ones because I couldn't afford dailies! It was a nightmare keeping them safe!

  9. I've never had to wear glasses or lenses, but I went through a phase of wearing coloured contacts!! I always wanted blue/grey eyes like my sister — they're fab aren't they? :)

  10. I saw these on your insta stories and they look so nice! I love how easy they make it to really switch up a look! x

  11. The colour really does suit you so much! I am going to take a look and see if they do prescription contacts with the colours too! As I would love to rock up to work with a different colour every now and then and see who notices hehe x

    1. Just realised you said they do haha, woohoo!

  12. Wow your eyes look amazing what a cool and fun idea!

  13. Wow what a cool thing didn’t realise did proper coloured contacts that didn’t want to rip out after a hour. I sadly where contacts for reading but love the fact they do ones change the colour too

  14. These are so cool! I don't wear contacts, but if I did, I would definitely play around with eye colour! xx

  15. I must admit I saw this one your stories a while ago and I was intrigued. I’ve been an avid user of Specsavers for 10+ years and I would like a change.

  16. Wow! They look amazing! Makes me slightly envious that I don't wear contacts xx

  17. I told you that you suit them so much! I've only wore lenses once and it was for halloween and I struggled so hard to get them in my eyes and then pissed up at 4am trying to get them out and scratching my eyes. I bet there is an easier way to do it rather than the way i did it though haha! Totally want to get them and have green eyes though!

    Lisa | Www.ohluna.co.uk

  18. That blue looks amazing on you Emily! I still really want to try contacts, I never have, i've always just relied on my glasses!!

